Friday, December 22, 2006


I've been at this blogging thing for a while now, but it just seems to get better and better! I logged on this morning to see what was new on the good ol' web while Daniel was working on his school work, scanned a few news headlines (who need's TV news when you Yahoo and Google!) and then checked email. There was an email saying a "Josh" had left me a comment on our blog. I went to this blog to see who it was since I hardly recognized the picture :-) and found out a friend from the Chicago area had found our blog! I haven't talked with Josh for ages! He's the cousin of a friend of mine from Northland, so I've kindof kept up with what he's been doing, but it was so great to hear from him! He was my teacher's aid one of the years I taught, and we worked on the yearbook together, and he ended up being an usher in our wedding. I've been able to get back in touch with so many people and keep in touch with so many through blogs! I love it!

Brent headed off to work this morning despite the freezing rain that came down last night. I was lying there in bed when I heard him come back in about 15 minutes later (I know...I have a rough life!) The main roads were fine, but the back roads to campus were really slick, so he turned around and came home! Yippeee!!! Vacation starts a day early for all of us! Which also means I will probably get to go shopping this afternoon! Can life get any better than that?!? could I suppose if there were a mall for me to go to instead of just Walmart and Shopko, but I'm not thinking about that right now :-) It's a good day! :-)

1 comment:

Erin Neiner said...

Wow...I didn't get a blog posted about me when I first found you! Hmph!!! I'll try not to be too offended!!! ;} [jk]