Thursday, February 22, 2007

Our Little Girl is Growing Up!!!

Hannah's 5th birthday was's hard to believe our little girl is 5!!! But then again, she acts like she's 15 most days! She seems so big and grown up compared to Baby Sarah, but then again I know it's all perspective...last night she came down with the stomach flu that's going around and she seemed so little and helpless!

Hannah was so excited about opening her presents! Her favorites were the princess suitcase from Grandpa and Grandma Kelley (she rolls it around the house with her everywhere she goes--she has all her favorite things in it that she has to have with her at all times!) a wallet from Grandma and Grandpa Griffin--complete with her own pretend credit cards (Grandma Griffin saved all the little credit cards that come in the mail as well as used up gift cards and put them in the wallet for Hannah to pretend play with--She loves having her own credit cards--especially the ones that have the mastercard or discover logos on them so she can be just like Mommy and Daddy!) and a red purse from our friend, Jessie Markham, that had some really fun things in it--like Skittles Bubble Gum! (The purse and the wallet made it into the suitcase--that tells you how much she really loves them!)
Hannah helped me make her cake--she begged all day to know when we were going make it...she loved putting on the sprinkles that she picked out, too!
She wanted Mac n cheese and hot dogs for her birthday dinner...we got off easy with Hannah...Daniel wanted steak for his birthday dinner! :-)


Marsel said...

Seems like just yesterday that we were the three pregnant musketeers and now those babies are turning!

Jill King said...

Happy (b-lated) Birthday, Hannah! Hope you are feeling better soon - =/.

Erin Neiner said...

WOW...what a sweetie! She must be so much fun! Glad to hear you are adjusting well & getting more sleep! Do you feel human yet? What a blessing to have so many extra hands to help! That is invaluable to one's insanity! So neat to read about Rippbergers! They sound every bit the same as I remember! Take care of yourself & love that baby!!!

The Horaks said...

Happy Birthday Hannah!!! What a sweet and pretty 5-yr-old you are!!!