Monday, August 31, 2009

A prayer request for sweet friends of ours

Please be praying for Adrian and Susan Smith. Adrian is the head of technology here at Northland, and they attend church with us in Norway. Susan was 38 weeks pregnant and found out that their baby died sometime this last week. I don't have any other details, but I can only imagine the grief and pain they are experiencing. I know the family would appreciate your prayers. And please pray for us as a church--we are really experiencing some tough times right now--all in the Lord's providence, but tough none the less!


The Horaks said...

How sad! My heart goes out to them!! Will definitely be praying for the church as well!

Anonymous said...

I don't know them, but I will pray. Abby was born at 37 wk 5 days, so I can only imagine the pain (physical and emotional) that they are going through.

Marsel said...

When through the deep waters...

Ithappenstobehaiti said...

Thank you for praying for them. Susan is actually my sister in law. My husband (her brother) will actually be heading out there on Tuesday. I came across your blog while searching for the service information.