Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Photography at it's best!

For every great picture you get, there's at least 10 that are like this one! Especially when it comes to babies! I'm so glad we have our digital camera so we don't have to pay for pics that turn out like this...although this one might be a good one to keep for those times when we'll need funny pictures of her for those special Senior Graduation presentations!

I have started putting her in the exersaucer now and then...she likes it for the most part...she's really starting to play with things so the toys in front of her on the tray are a real draw. I can't believe how quickly time has flown by...she's pushing 4 months already!

It's 78 degrees here today! I've pushed the kids outside and am getting some spring cleaning done...although there are those nay-sayers who will always add that we have had snow as late as June before...I'm trying not to think of that...it's 78 and I'm loving it!


Marsel said...

That's a beauty! That's the kind of picture that will someday make her roll her eyes and say "Mommmm...not that picture again!"

Tfipps said...

That is a greeting card picture: "Another year older?!" or something like that...love it!!

Jill King said...

Which side of the family does THAT resemble?!?!? You're right though...senior memory pages will not be lacking for my kids' photos either!!!

TheHarrisons said...

Poor Baby Sarah! Tell her that her Aunt Sheri will never make fun of her like Mommy is! We love that face with the best of 'em! Although it did make the "cousins" laugh!!

Love to All!