There are times when a mom looks at her children who are up to their elbows in something they know they're not supposed to be into and wonders who in the world could these children be! And then there are times when a mom looks at her kiddos and just wants to hug 'em and squeeze'em, and like the old Bugs Bunny cartoon, call their name George--but I digress--as usual! When we had all the cousins ' pictures taken together this Thanksgiving, the photographer did such an amazing job that I had to get her to take a picture of just the 3 of ours together...and it turned out so great! It's not often I say that about a picture, but I do love this shot! This is how I want to remember my kids when I'm old and gray...I might get this blown up to life size and pretend they're real for those days when their antics simply can't be real!
(in case anyone is wondering or concerned, I used my free "Smile By Wire" whatchamijigger and had the pictures sent to me to view and share electronically--hence the sharing them legally on my digital blog--no copyright infringement that I'm aware of!)