I had an amazing birthday! Brent took the day off, and we spent it together just relaxing and being together. That was the best present a girl could ask for. So I have a story to tell about something else that made it wonderful. I'll try to keep it concise, but you know me...read on at your own risk:
My friend, Carissa, and I had a real burden for the ladies of our church. Last year we formed a ladies' fellowship, and I was the go to person for it. Carissa got together and organized the ladies and collected money for my birthday. They set up and paid for a babysitter and gave me money so Brent and I could go out on a date as a thank you for the effort last year! We hardly ever get sitters--it practically doubles the expense of an evening out these days--so it was such a special thing! While it was GREAT to go out with Brent, I was so blessed to see the ladies show their love and care for me in such a sweet way! The Lord is so faithful, and He encouraged my heart so much through this! He is our God, El Roi, the God who sees. He knows what our struggles are and loves us so much to send such sweet blessings our way to encourage us at the absolute perfect time! And yes, I boo-hooed like a baby when I realized what Carissa and the ladies had done and read their sweet notes! So I was able to spend the entire day with Brent, and have an amazing date and dinner with him, too!
That wasn't too bad, was it?!? Even I surprise myself sometimes at how concise and to the point I can be...yeah right! Anyone who knows me can now pick themselves up off the floor and stop laughing!!!