Friday, March 06, 2009

Look at all that I was able to get for less than $8!!!

My friend, Trisha, has started a blog to explain her hobby of clipping coupons to save money and get things free. I put her blog in my google reader so I always get her updates. I've been following her advice for many weeks now, and it is really starting to pay off! This picture is just a sampling of what I've been able to get for so little! There's over $50 worth of merchandise here and I spent less than $8! There's 2 packs of diapers here that normally coast $15, but I only paid $5 for them (that's $2.50 each to clarify that!). The Starbucks chocolate run $6 each, but I only paid $1 for each of them. I stockpile these kinds of things for when I need a quick "thinking of you" gift or something nice for the teacher for Thanksgiving or Easter...something I don't want to spend a lot on, but who doesn't love chocolate!?! I was thinking as I took this picture that I forgot to include all the makeup I've gotten for free the past few months! I have over $30 worth of free Revlon products from Walgreens that I didn't want to dig out of my makeup bag. I also got a free video rental since I'm going out tonight and leaving the kids with Brent. I'm totally loving this! It helps Trisha out to get more hits to her site, so you should go check it out and put her in your google reader, too! You can find her site here.


The Horaks said...

Thanks, Debbie! I'm definitely going to be adding her to my reader now too!

Tricia said...

Isn't her blog great???? She is amazing! And you're welcome to "steal" my baby blanket idea anytime!! :) Actually it doesn't even have batting in it. I just layered front and back right sides together, sewed and turned and topstitched. Quick and easy!! :)
