Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas Morning

Just a fun picture of the kiddos after they had opened all of their presents Christmas Morning. We had a great time seeing what was in all the packages our family had sent to us all! How thankful we are for all that people did for us.

We also have to say a special thank you to our parents for all they did for us as kids on Christmas day! As kids, we had no idea how exhausting it was for you to put everything you bought us together and then play with us! By the end of Christmas Day, Brent and I were begging for a break from it all! It seemed we just got one thing put together, and they wanted the next thing out of the box and put together. And you all understand how trying it is just to get things out of the boxes nowadays! We have had a great time as a family, but we have never been so glad to see 8:00 come around on the clock so we can put the kids in bed and get a break!!! I'm sure there's a whole group of people out there that can totally relate, heh?!?

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