Wednesday, July 25, 2007

How does she manage?!?

So I've been pretty pleased with how Sarah has taken to solids...she clearly likes to eat! Until yesterday--for some strange reason she decided she didn't want to eat, but rather play...and she ended up with rice cereal from her eyebrows to her ears to all the rolls in that chubby little neck of hers! I just think she wasn't in the mood to eat...go figure!

Hannah loves to read books to Sarah. I bought a bunch of those touch and feel books when Hannah was a baby, and now I'm so glad I kept them! It's a favorite thing of Hannah's to sit and read books to Sarah. As you can see, Sarah doesn't seem to mind either! By the way...Hannah's latest thing is to "read in her mind" She almost has Daniel convinced that she can really read--she just can't say the words!


Tracy said...

That's great that Hannah's reading to Sarah. Kara's idea of reading is naming everything on the page. she'll hand Andy a book to play with (or take them away), but I haven't been able to get her to show him the pictures yet.

Shannon Smith said...

I love the eating picture! Very cute!!

Marsel said...

My kind of is something to be thoroughly enjoyed!

Jill King said...

I think I have a shot somewhere of Sarah's mother making the same kind of face while eating. I'll have to see what I can find. Love that pic - it's a classic!