Sunday, June 11, 2006

Polish Basketball .in June...or is it February!?!

We had a great time Saturday playing basketball in our driveway with Daddy! Funny thing is that the game hardly resembled basketball and the weather hardly resembled June! We got a kick out of Daniel, who is used to wearing shorts lately, being cold enough that he went and got his winter coat on! Shorts, sandals, and a winter coat? Only in the northwoods of Wisconsin where it was 35 degrees Saturday night! But we can't complain because it's only been in the mid 70's during the day which is beautiful! So Great Grandma...yes, it's cold at night, but you'd love the weather in the daytime! and my 2 tomato plants and 1 cucumber plant that I've planted to see if I can make them grow before I commit to a real garden next year survived with no frost damage! And unfortunately all the weeds that we "Yoopers" like to call our flower gardens survived, too!

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