Monday, June 26, 2006

What in the World Is It?

One of the best things about living so far North is that there's a never-ending supply of strange and new-to-us creatures that we see! It's not unusual for us to see some creature that we've never seen before, and then get online and find out all about it!

Well, imagine my surprise when the kids came runnning into the kitchen from the deck yelling for me to come quick! I went out there to see what the hullabaloo was all about and came across 2 of these strange looking moth like things. One was on the side of our house and the other on our deck. They were clearly dead, but still a bit freakish, nonetheless! I've seen some pretty big moths around here...some that rival small bats, but never anything like this! (Does it scare anyone else like it scares me that I know what a bat looks like...from personal experience?!)

So off to the computer the kiddos and I went to find out what this strange thing was...who knew there were so many moths and butterflies in Wisconsin to sort through...and on dial-up even better! I was about to give up, when on a whim I decided to look up Luna Moth to see if by chance that's what this was...and sure's a luna moth! It's quite unusual for people to see them since they only fly at night and live only a week.

One of the best things about living in the country has been seeing our kids sense of wonder at the Lord's creation increase. Daniel often asks if we can look things up on the internet and learn about the day we learned about a western fox SNAKE!!! that's a story for another blog!


Anonymous said...

The kids might enjoy looking for the television and magazine ads that feature this moth. I love hearing about Daniel & Hannah's joy of discoveries. Cherish the moment:-)

Anonymous said...

The kids might enjoy looking for the television and magazine ads that feature this moth. I love hearing about Daniel & Hannah's joy of discoveries. Cherish the moment:-)

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